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Jing-Hong Zhou

PhD, Professor of Chemical Engineering
  • School of Chemical Engineering

  • East China University of Science and Technology

  • 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237

  • China

  • E-mail: jhzhou [at]

  • Tel: +86-21-64252169

  • Fax: +86-21-64253528



2007: PhD, Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

1996: MS, Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

1993: Bachelor, Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

Academic Experience:

2014-present: Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, China.

2003-2014: Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, China.

2012-2013: Visiting Scholar, Chemical Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

1996-2003: Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering, ECUST, China.

Research Interests:

  1. Catalytic reaction engineering. Focusing on basic principle of chemical processes especially the catalytic chemical reaction, concerned with the exploitation of chemical reactions on a commercial scale.

  2. Design & application of structured catalysts/reactors Mainly concerning the design and fine tuning of high efficient structured catalysts/reactors for process intensification in industry.

  3. Fundamental studies on biomass conversion for commodity chemical production Non precious metal catalyst preparation and its application in biomass conversion; New processes and catalytic process development for lower polyols.

Representative papers:

  1. Zheng Sainan, Xu Shiwei, Zhou Jinghong*, Shen Rongchun, Ji Yang, Insight into the Claisen condensation of methyl acetate and dimethyl carbonate to dimethyl malonate, New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42(9): 6689-6694

  2. Chen Yang, Zhang Zilan, Sui Zhijun, Zhou Jinghong*, Zhou Xinggui. Ni(OH)2 nanowires grown on graphite foam as advanced supercapacitor electrodes with improved cycling performance. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(28): 12136-12145

  3.  Xie Duanpeng, Zhou Jinghong*, Mleczko Leslaw, Tian Shizhe, Zhou Xinggui, Comparative study of clogging in the valve and cascade mixers, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016, 39(8):1451–1456

  4. Deng Chenghao, Leng Li, Duan Xuezhi, Zhou Jinghong*, Zhou Xinggui, Yuan Weikang, Support effect on the bimetallic structure of Ir-Re catalysts and their performances in glycerol hydrogenolysis, Journal of Molecular catalysis A: Chemical, 2015, 410:81-88

  5. Deng Chenghao, Leng Li, Zhou Jinghong*, Zhou Xinggui, Yuan Weikang, Influence of pretreatment temperature on bimetallic Ir-Re catalyst for glycerol hydrogenolysis, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 36(10)1750-1758

  6. Deng Chenghao, Duan Xuezhi, Zhou Jinghong*, Zhou Xinggui, Yuan Weikang, Susannah Scott. Ir-Re alloy as a highly active catalyst for the hydrogenolysis of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol, Catalysis Science & Technology , 2015, 5: 1540-1547

  7. Deng Chenghao, Duan Xuezhi, Zhou Jinghong*, Chen De, Zhou Xinggui, Weikang Yuan. Size effects of Pt-Re bimetallic catalysts for glycerol hydrogenolysis, Catalysis Today, 2014, 234: 208-214

  8. Liu Zhiting, Duan Xuezhi, Zhou Xinggui, Zhou Jinghong*, Yuan Weikang. Controlling and formation mechanism of oxygen-containing groups on graphite oxide, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Science, 2014, 53(1): 253-258

  9. Zhao Long, Zhou Jinghong*, Sui Zhijun, Zhou Xinggui. Hydrogenolysis of sorbitol to glycols over carbon nanofiber supported ruthenium catalyst, Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(1): 30-35

  10. Zhou Jinghong, Zhang Mingguang, Zhao Long, Li Ping, Zhou Xinggui, Yuan Weikang. Carbon nanofiber/graphite-felt composite supported Ru catalysts for hydrogenolysis of sorbitol, Catalysis today, 2009, 147S: S225-S229

  11. Zhou Jinghong, Sui Zhijun, Li Ping, Chen De, Dai Yingchun, Yuan Weikang.  Characterization of surface oxygen complexes on carbon nanofibers by TPD-MS, XPS and FT-IR, Carbon, 2007, 45(4): 785-796

  12. Zhou Jinghong, Li Wei, Xiao Wende. Kinetics of Heterogeous Oxidation of Concentrated Ammonium Sulfite, Chem. Eng. Sci. 2000, 55, 5637-5641


  1. Zhou Jinghong, Zhang Hualiang, Zhou Xinggui, Qian Gang, Duan Xuezhi, A process for synthysizing 4,6-nitro- resorcinol, ZL201610929583.5

  2. Zhou Jinghong, Chen Yang, Zhang Zilan, Zhou Xingg. A method for preparation a composite with the composite and its application, ZL201510021386.9

  3. Zhou Jinghong, Zhao Long, Sui Zhijun, Zhou Xinggui, A process for glycol production from sorbitol hydrogenolysis, ZL 200910052849.2

  4. Zhou Jinghong, Zhang Mingguang, Zhao Long, Sui Zhijun, Xinggui Zhou, A structured Ru catalyst and its preparation, ZL200910048563.7

  5. Zhou Jinghong, Guo Rong, Han Weiwei, Sui Zhijun, Zhou Xinggui, Carbon covered alumina as a catalyst support and its preparation ZL200810041109.4

  6. Zhou Jinghong, Chen Cong, Guo Rong,  Sui Zhijun, Zhou Xinggui, Shaped carbon nanofibers as a catalyst support and its shaping method, ZL200810039524.6

  7. Zhou Jinghong, Li Ping, Zhao Tiejun, Yuan Weikang, A Novel Catalyst for PTA Manufacture, ZL 200510024520.7

  8. Zhou Jinghong, Sui Zhijun, Li Ping, Zhou Xinggui, Yuan Weikang, A method for platelet carbnon nanofiber preparation, ZL 200610023181.5

« February 2025 »