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Gang Qian

PhD, Associate Professor

  • State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering

  • East China University of Science and Technology

  • 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237

  • China

  • E-mail:

  • Tel: +86-21-64250937

  • Fax: +86-21-64253528



  l  Education Background:

  • 2000.9-2004.4
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
  • 1995.9-1998.4
M.S. in Applied Chemistry, Hefei University of Technology
  • 1991.9-1995.7
B.E. in Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology

l  Work Experience:

  • 2007.9-Present

Associate professor in State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology

  • 2004.4-2007.8
Lecturer in State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
  • 1998.4-2000.8
Teacher in School of Chemical and Material Engineering, Wuxi University of Light Industry

l  Research Interests:

  • Control of Crystallization Processes

    Studies on the effect of chemical and engineering factors on crystal quality, kinetics of nucleation and crystal growth, and modeling and controlling of crystallization processes.

  • Catalytic Reaction Engineering

    Studies on synthesis and characterization of nanocatalysts, the effects of particle size, type and surface chemistry of carbon support, and promoters on catalytic performance of supported metal catalysts, and kinetics and mechanisms of catalytic reactions.

l  Selected Publications:

  1. Yuanyuan Ma#, Jie Gan#, Minjian Pan, Yanfang Zhang, Wenzhao Fu, Xuezhi Duan*, Wenyao Chen, De Chen, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Reaction mechanism and kinetics for Pt/CNTs catalyzed base-free oxidation of glycerol. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 203: 228-236.

  2. Xuezhi Duan, Yanfang Zhang, Minjian Pan, Hua Dong, Bingxu Chen, Yuanyuan Ma, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou, Jia Yang, De Chen*. SbOx-promoted Pt nanoparticles supported on CNTs as catalysts for base-free oxidation of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64(11): 3979-3987. 

  3. Jian Ji, Xiaodong Yan, Gang Qian*, Chong Peng, Xuezhi Duan*, Xinggui Zhou. Morphology and location manipulation of Fe nanoparticles on carbon nanofibers as catalysts for ammonia decomposition to generate hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(27): 17466-17475.

  4. Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Kinetic modeling on batch-cooling crystallization of zinc lactate: The influence of malic acid. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2017, 463: 162-167.

  5. Jiaqi Lei, Hua Dong, Xuezhi Duan, Wenyao Chen, Gang Qian*, De Chen, Xinggui Zhou. Insights into activated carbon-supported platinum catalysts for base-free oxidation of glycerol. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(2): 420-427.

  6. Xuezhi Duan, Jian Ji*, Xiaodong Yan, Gang Qian*, De Chen*, Xinggui Zhou. Understanding Co-Mo catalyzed ammonia decomposition: Influence of calcination atmosphere and identification of active phase. ChemCatChem, 2016, 8(5): 938-945.

  7. Shanshan Liang, Xuezhi Duan, Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Water effect on secondary nucleation of the beta-form on the surface of the alpha-form of L-glutamic acid. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2016, 39(7): 1295-1300.

  8. Shanshan Liang, Xuezhi Duan, Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Supersaturation-dependent polymorphic outcome and transformation rate of L-glutamic acid. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(78): 74700-74703.

  9. Wenhui Tan, Xiangyu Yang, Xuezhi Duan, Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Understanding supersaturation-dependent crystal growth of L-alanine in aqueous solution. Crystal Research & Technology, 2016, 51(1): 23-29.

  10. Shanshan Liang, Xuezhi Duan, Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou. Insights into polymorphic transformation of L-Glutamic Acid: A combined experimental and simulation study. Crystal Growth & Design, 2015, 15(8): 3602-3608.

  11. Xuezhi Duan, Jian Ji, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou, De Chen*. Recent advances in synthesis of reshaped Fe and Ni particles at the tips of carbon nanofibers and their catalytic applications. Catalysis Today, 2015, 249: 2-11.

  12. Xiangyang Zhang, Gang Qian*, Rui Wang, Xiaowu Yang, Lin Hao, Hongyuan Wei, Xinggui Zhou. Correlation of solubility and calculation of thermodynamic properties of guanidine nitrate in different solvents. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2015, 388: 59-65.

  13. Jiaqi Lei, Xuezhi Duan, Gang Qian*, Xinggui Zhou, De Chen. Size effects of Pt nanoparticles supported on carbon nanotubes for selective oxidation of glycerol in a base-free condition. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(42): 16309-16315.

  14. Gang Qian, Yangyang Wu, Xiangyu Yang, Xuezhi Duan, Xinggui Zhou*. Effect of polymorphism on the purity of L-glutamic acid. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013, 373: 78-81.

  15. Gang Qian, Yangyang Wu, Xiangyu Yang, Xinggui Zhou*. Exploiting polymorphism in the purity enhancement of lincomycin hydrochloride. Chemical Engineering Science, 2012, 77: 42-46.

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